Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Cedar 12K

We are about 1 month away from the annual Cedar 12km Race.
The race this year is on Sunday Feb 13.

Once again we will need help on race day. I have had a few people volunteer but still need a few more.

Ross Palfry has agreed to head up Registration and he will need help for the same day sign up. This is a good spot for folks who want to run can help before the race.

Mike Jorgensen has agreed to head up the parking. Another spot for some folks who want to run the race can help before the race.

Steve Gagliano is heading up the race Marshals. We will need about 20 people so if you do not want to run the race this is a good spot for you.

Steve Middleton is heading up the finish line crew. We need 5 adults at the finish line.

Jennifer Frost is heading up the food and will need help on Saturday Feb 12 in the afternoon 6 people to help prepare the food.

I do not have any one to head up the water table yet will need 4 people.

Thank you to the folks who have all ready offered to help but we need to firm up more. This is the major fund raiser for the club so all the help we can get will be great.

Please let either myself or Ross, Mike,Steve G, Steve M or Jennifer know you can help.

If you have any question give me a call or e-mail
