Tuesday, February 14, 2006

More notes from Dan.

Neighbourhood Heroes
Bill Robinson, who is the fellow that created, writes and produces the articles and TV spots for Neighbourhood Heroes, is doing an article and TV spot regarding Runners of Compassion and the Charity work we do. This is a very exciting opportunity for ROC and should result in a far larger audience of residents in the Central Island region learning about who and what ROC is. Bill has already interviewed Lisa Crucil, our illustrious President for the written articles and he has a copy of “What is Runner of Compassion” for use as background material.

What Bill wants to do now is film our group as we head out on a trail run. We are hoping to arrange to do that this Saturday morning at the very start of the Nanoose run as the weather is forecast to be bright and sunny. It would be great if those of you that have an ROC shirt were to wear them on Saturday. This shouldn’t take up very much of your time. It is a fantastic opportunity for ROC, so please try and attend the run if you can. The more people in the shots the better. Just don’t get caught on film if you have called in sick in order to come for the run.
While I have you there are a couple of other late items to make you aware of.

AB Classes – Two new sessions of AB Classes with Sean Lunny are starting. One on Thursday February 16th at 6:30 PM and one on Monday February 20th at 6:30 AM. The sessions are for one each and last for five weeks in length. A bargain at only $20.00. If you take the AB classes, you will be amazed at the positive affect that they have on your running, biking, hiking or just everyday activities. Having good Core Strength makes it all that much easier. Email Sean ASAP if you want to take the class. They fill up real quick seanlunny@shaw.ca

Spinning Classes - Due to the incredible response to the Wednesday evenings spinning class Sean would like to know if people are interested in an early morning spinning class. It would have to be a am class on Tuesday or Thursday mornings. If people are interested please email me at seanlunny@shaw.ca and let me know what works best for them.