Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Notes from Dan the Trail Guy #36

Trail Bits

It’s amazing,
the weather turns a little bit grey and everyone shows up for a run. Good turn out Saturday for a nice 90 minute run through Morell and part of the GutBuster. Hey,did you see where a guy just broke the World record for 10,000M – 26:17…unbelievable!

VOLUNTEERS – WE NEED VOLUNTEERS! As all of you know there has been a group of us working hard on this year’s Half Marathon for the better part of ten months now. Now that the race is coming close we need to ask all of you that aren’t racing to consider helping out. We are short of volunteers for the race and we need help in finding volunteers. If you or a friend or family member can spare some time on the morning of the race please contact James Williams, who is coordinating the course marshals for the Big Event which takes place September 11th. James Williams, at jfwilly@shaw.ca or telephone him at 250-390-3738. Thank you so much for your consideration of this request!

ROC Golf – Here is a quote from one of the ROC Golf Attendee’s - How fun was that last night? I think Wendy said it all...."I love this. Someone comes around with food and drinks while you're doing your sport!" Many thanks to Kathleen, Dan and the rest of those who organized it all and to Sophie who created all that delicious food. To Norm, Stefan, Dan and the rest, a great big thanks for the donations. Rich and I both came away with great gifts!!!!!! De, Yvonne, and the others who donated...We have such a generous group! What an auction! BJ will travel in style! Can't wait till next year...

Norm's Note: Some pictures found here: http://www.frontrunners.ca/gallery/view_album.php?set_albumName=album68

Hikes of Mt. Benson Summit and Westwood Ridges – All the hikes are fully booked until sometime in October. The response was amazing. Thanks.

This week run – This weeks run is a run of the Dumont Trails. 7:00 Am at the yellow Gate. Take Dumont Rd to Biggs Rd. Turn Right; go up the hill until you see everyone standing on the side of the road.

Ab Classes – Core Strength Classes Hi everyone, I hope you have all had a great summer. I've been getting a ton of questions regarding abs classes for the fall and winter, so here is the information. There will be two classes to choose from this fall. Monday’s at 6:30AM and Thursday’s at 6:30PM Classes will run in five week blocks and cost $20 for the five weeks, and classes will still take place at Frontrunners and be limited to 20 people. The focus of the classes will always be on core strength. I also think there are a number of other areas runners need to work on and we will focus on these throughout the season. My plan is to also work on flexibility and stretching during the fall, strength training (possibly using resistance bands and the surroundings) over the winter and then really focus on the core strength in the spring as the race season approaches. Because of the limited space, priority to re register will be given to those people already in a class. If you would like to register or have any questions please send me and email at seanlunny@shaw.ca or call me at 756-2279 Thanks and I’m looking forward to seeing you all this fall……Sean

ROC & BASTION Christmas Party is tentatively booked for Saturday, November 19th. Lots more details will be forwarded once the Social Coordinators for ROC and Bastion have gotten together and waved their magic wands and created another fantastic event. Put the date on the Calendar now. Last years party was a blast.

ROC Membership – Membership is now at 138 PAID MEMBERS.

Early Warnings:
· Frosty Foot Race - December 4th, 2005, Bowen Park, Nanaimo, 10 am start, registration 9:15, 10km Run, 5km Run or Walk, 1km Tot Trot
· Nanaimo Track & Field 5Km – November 20th , Location and time to be announced, this is a fundraiser for the Track & Field Club
· Gunner Shaw Cross Country – November 27th, Thetis Lake Park Victoria, if you consider yourself a trail runner then you must come to this race with us. It is one of the oldest x/c trail races in BC. Draws a great crowd. Amazing course. It can be wet!!!! Put it on your calendar right now, so you don’t double book yourself.

See ya,
