Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Volunteers needed for Harbour City Half

Dear Bastion

The Nanaimo Harbour Half Marathon is coming up on September 11 and they are looking for volunteers. This is not a Bastion sponsored race and there is no pressure to volunteer but if you like to watch some of the best and worst runners you're ever likely to see then I'll also point out that volunteers get to hit the food table which is always great and there is a volunteer appreciation party. You may have also noticed that many of our members have been busy training for this, especially Saturday mornings, and this would be a good opportunity to come out and laugh at them, I mean, cheer them on. Some things to amuse yourself if you volunteer are random drug searches or pointing runners the wrong way. If you have some time on Sunday, September 11 and you would like to volunteer, then you can contact James Williams jfwilly@shaw.ca
