Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Notes from Sheri at Boot Camp

Dear Bastion,

Sherri is becoming a salty veteran of the academy. At least she still has time to remember the important things. Like my birthday.

Thanks, Ross

Hello week 6!The top 10 things I have learnt thus far:1) Pick your breakfast companions carefully, they set the tone for the whole day!2)When cleaning your gun, be careful! It's all fun and games until a tiny spring, that you didn't even know was there comes shooting out and lands in someone else's cleaning solution half way across the hall.3) When you are doing a "scenario" and the instructor tells you to put away your baton, it doesn't mean take out your gun. (good to know!)4) When the early morning radio announcers on CBC say that it's going to be "chilly"..that's not good.5) How to go to remove my duty belt and re attach my duty belt when I need to use the "facilities"6) How to not have to use the "facilities" too often!7) That's it's okay to laugh during drill class; you just have to pay your dues. I think I hold the troop record of 80 in a class.8) I learnt that there is always a test within a test: Writing in your fitness log is all about attention to detail. Setting up the mats in fitness is a test to see how well we work together in a team and a test of our listening skills.9) Double timing on a full stomach, sucks!10) That it's cool when you realize that you have been here longer than a month and that you are no longer the "baby" troop. Now we are toddlers!And the most important is that when you spend time with someone you love, you feel that you can do anything in the world.Back to class, I just wanted to say a quick hello to everyone. I should have time to write more later this week.Happy Valentines Day to everyone (Happy belated Birthday Ross :-)