Wednesday, August 16, 2006

ROC Trail Bits 2006 #33

Trail Bits # 33

Final Results of Trans Rockies are in “Team Frontrunners -Norn and Stefan” finished in 8th place overall, while team “Arrowsmith Bikes - Robin and Justin” finished in 12th place. Both of these teams rode for over 32 hours in just one week; almost all of it being up hill on single track trail. Check out the website for full details.
Congratulations to both teams on your amazing feats of athleticism.

Special run this coming Saturday. See details below.

Ø Volunteers needed – if you can volunteer at the Half Marathon on September 10th, please contact Kim at

Ø Westwood Lake 6km “a benefit for Mount Benson” – the inaugural Westwood Lake 6km Trail Race is SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 AT 10:00. This 6km race/run/walk around Westwood Lake is a fund raising benefit for NALT. All proceeds from the race will go towards helping to pay down the debt that NALT has from buying the top of Benson and creating the park. There will be the usual, food and drink, draw prizes, etc.

Ø Check out the End of Summer Sale on at Frontrunners. Lots of great deals.

This week the Trail Run is a run of LINLEY Valley. The special part is that we will be starting and finishing at Norm and Wendy’s House. Norm and Wendy have offered to host the ROC run and will have coffee on when we get back the Hot Tub will also be going so bring a towel and have a hot tub afterwards. The run will have one or two km of road at the start and finish as we work our way in and out of the valley. This is an invitation to all ROC runners, so even if you are new to the group please feel welcome to come to Norms. Can you email Norm if you are coming, just so he has an idea of numbers? Please don’t email me as I will be away most of the week.