Friday, December 29, 2006

ROC Trail Bits 2006 #52

Trail Bits # 52 – Important Notice

As this is the last weekly email of 2006 (#52) it is time once again time for me to send out the annual Membership Renewal forms. Due to liability concerns we have had to develop a new membership form this year, which includes a Waiver Form, which needs to be signed and returned. The Board has also been informed that due to liability concerns I should not email the Trail Bits out to people that are not paid members of Runners of Compassion and/or who have not signed the Waiver Form. If you are a new member of ROC since the end of September 2006, you are considered paid for 2007. I will need the signed form back though.

You should be aware that as of the January 31, 2007 Trail Bits I will have to remove the email addresses of any people who have not returned their signed Wavier Form and Membership Form….sorry.

On a lighter note, The Run of Humility/Abyss on Saturday was fantastic... what a perfect run to have just two days before Christmas. A light dusting of fresh snow had fallen during the early hours of the morning leaving everything white, bright and Christmassy. The trails in this area are in fantastic shape despite all of the wind we have had the last few weeks with virtually no blow down across any of the trails. If you are looking for clear trails to run or mountain bike on, this is the area to go. The rocks are a wee bit slippery so be careful.

Ø The Runners of Compassion Annual General Meeting is Saturday January 27th @ 10:00 am. Location TBA

Ø New Years Day Run & Dip – Don’t forget that on New Years Day @ 10:00 the Bastion Running Club is hosting their Annual Run & Dip. A quick run around Westwood Lake followed by an “optional swim”. Complimentary Hot Drinks and Warm Cinnamon Buns will be served. Everyone is welcome!!!!

Ø Snow Shoe Racing The Yeti Snow Shoe race is January 20th at Mount Washington. 5Km & 10km… before you roll your eyes and think, ya right count me out…… Remember this! It wasn’t that long ago when a number of you considered a trail run being a run of The Parkway Trail on a warm sunny Saturday morning. Now you are meeting in the dark on a cold snowy morning to run on trails that are covered in roots, rocks, mud and water. It is amazing what we can do when we have the support of the group to guide us and encourage us (they call it peer pressure in high school). So, keeping that in mind……there are a number of us that are going up to race, some in the 5km and some in the 10km…..wanna come, drop me a note…… think about it.

Ø Malaspina 5 km run – Sunday, January 14th at 10 am. This is the same day as the Pioneer 8 km down in Victoria, but this run is free and close to home. The race starts just outside the Malaspina gymnasium with registration starting at 9 am and going to 9:50 am. Frontrunners and Jumpin' Java are the sponsors again this year so great coffee and prizes will be handed out. People can register by e-mailing Mike James at

This week’s trail run –The Trail runs now start at 8:00 am. The run this week the run are the Dumont Trails – please meet at 8:00 am by the yellow gate.


If you live in north Nanaimo,

o Take Metral Drive to Duomont Road.

o Turn on to Duomont Road and head out past the Black Bear Pub.

o Follow this road for 10 minutes or until you come to the T-Junction with Biggs & Weigles Road.

o Turn Right and head up the hill for a couple of minutes.

If you live in central or South Nanaimo

o Take the Parkway to the Jingle Pot/Mostar exit – Turn Left at this intersection.

o Immediately turn right on to Biggs Road. Stay on this road.

o You will drive past the Correctional Facility, past the farm fields and will then start heading up the hill. Keep heading up the hill.

o This road simply changes its name and becomes Weigles Rd. Keep driving up the hill.

You will see us on the side of the road by the yellow gate. If you get to the flat part of road near the Wasteland Motto Cross Track, you have gone too far.