Thursday, March 02, 2006

Trail Bits 2006 #9

Trail Bits 2006 # 9


I made a mistake in last weeks Trail Bits; this weekends run is not a run of Dumont due to the fact that most of the trail gang is going snow shoeing. Sorry about that.

If you are going snow shoeing please remember that car pooling LEAVES from Chapters at 7:30 am. Cost is $27.00. You pay it to Mt. Washington. It covers cost of rentals, guide and trail pass. Bring water and a snack in a back pack and dress in layers. It will be a blast.

If you have information that you would like me to pass along to the membership, please feel free to email.

“Every Step Counts”

Mt. Benson – by the time that you read this email, it will be public knowledge that the Coalition to Save Mt. Benson (Runners of Compassion, Nanaimo & Area Land Trust, Frontrunners, Tuesday Hikers, Thursday Hikers) working in partnership with the Regional District of Nanaimo have been successful in purchasing the summit of Mt. Benson. The deal to secure the top 523 acres surrounding the summit is done, all that remains now is for the RDN Board to ratify the final agreement tonight….. Tomorrow morning at 11:00 am, there will be a press conference at the Parkway trail rest stop and picnic area - at the junction of Northfield Road (great view of the mountain)
Sponsorship – If you or the company that you operate or work for would like to become involved as a sponsor of this years Half Marathon please drop me an email and I will discuss the options available. I can tailor a sponsorship plan to fit what ever budget you may have in mind…thank you!

GutBuster # 1- the first race of the GutBuster Trail Racing Series is fast approaching. The March 25th race takes place 10:00 am at Royal Roads University just outside Victoria. The inaugural GutBuster at Royal Roads University last year was nothing but a success. The weather was perfect for racing which made for a nice and fast course. The short course was a demanding 6km and the long course was 11.7km. Both routes featured a cool run up the stairs in front of the historic Hatley Castle, but only the long course racers were fortunate enough to experience the love of the Gravel Pit. Put a team of 4 together and race in the team competition on the long course. Great Prizes.

Storage Space – As you are aware, ROC is partnering with Arrowsmith Bikes and the Boys & Girls Club in the Bikes for Tykes program (B4T). A problem has popped up that we hope that one of you can help us with: Storage Space. The response from people dropping off bikes has been tremendous, but Robin has now run out of space. His shop is full and his garage is full. If anyone of you knows of a storage space that that we could use “free of charge” for a period of 6 months can you please let me know and I will get Robin in touch with you.
The RUN Details – Westwood Lake one more time 7:30 am Seeing how a large number of people are away this weekend I think it is best if those of you who are not coming to Mt. Washington simply meet at Westwood and decide where you want to run. I think we have about 35 people going snow shoeing, so it will probably be a small turn out at the lake. Run Safe.

I promise that next weekend will be a run of the Dumont Trails.

A Few things to remember when running with the group:
Over 220 people now receive the Trail Bits each week, that’s a lot of people. If you see a new face in the group, please take a moment to introduce yourself, make them feel welcome. I am sure it can be a little intimidating for someone showing up at a strange location to run with a bunch of strangers on some unknown trail in the middle of no where at 7:30 in the morning. The run is intended to be social in nature. We always try to head back to Chapters for a coffee after.

If you ever need to stop to tie a shoe, take a washroom break, pick a rock out of your shoe or stop because of an injury, please yell out and tell someone. If we know you are stopped we can either wait for you or provide first aid assistance. The sweepers’ role is to normally make us aware of the need to stop, but there has been the odd occasion where it is the sweeper that has needed to stop. “When in doubt call out”

If you are leading a group please make sure you know who your sweeper is and stay in contact with them.

A group leader must do a head count at the start of the run

Leaders must periodically stop to re-group and re-check your numbers. This is especially important at all major trail intersections. Past experience has taught us that all groups should be stopping to re-group

When stopping to re-group please allow enough of a stop (1-2 minutes at the most) that all members of your group get a short break, not just the lead runners.

If you are leading a group please remember to not take the group out too fast in the early stages. This is a very comment complaint I hear.

If you know you have someone in your group who is too fast for your group, strongly suggest that they move up a group.

If you know that someone is in your group who will not be comfortable with the run pace of that particular group please mention it to them.

If you know that you are constantly running at the front of a certain group then you should move yourself up a group. You will have a more enjoyable run as will the group that you are no longer pushing the pace of.

Please remember that the Saturday runs are intended to be social in nature and are intended to be run at a pace that is comfortable for most. The runs are not intended to be a persons hard Saturday Morning Work Out……. If you need a hard work out, either step up a group or do it on another day.

Upcoming Stuff
· Bazan Bay 8km – March 12th
· Comox Half Marathon – March 19th
· GutBuster # 1 Royal Roads - March 25th
· Sooke River 10km – April 2nd
· Whidbey Island Marathon – April 2nd
· Merville 15km – April 9th
· GutBuster # 2Mt. Tzouhalem – April 15th
· Kusim Klimb – June
· GutBuster # 3 Mt. Douglas – June 3rd
· GutBuster # 4 – Westwood Lake Half Marathon & 8km – July 16th