Monday, March 21, 2005

Core Strength

ABS Class –Sean Lunny is going to be offering another ABS & Stretching class starting April 14th. This one is 3 weeks longer than the last. Oh Joy!
Limit is 20 people. Time is 6:30 am. Location is Frontrunners, The cost is $25.00 for the 9 weeks left leading up to the Port Angeles Marathon. If you are interested please contact Sean at you will be amazed at the difference that it makes to your running when your core is in shape, just ask anyone who has taken the clinic. Don’t be afraid of the pain, the pain does go away eventually. It’s one of those Hurts So Good, kind of things.
Sean is also available to do an evening session on Thursday nights if there is enough interest. The class fills very quickly so don’t delay.