Monday, March 21, 2005

Ross Report from Comox

Dear Sluggies

Amid a light March rain on the first day of spring, a tragedy unfolded at the Comox Half Marathon as intrepid running reporter Ross suffered a major fatal heart attack at the 20 3/4 kilometer mark. Upon being told how close to the food line he was, Ross' dying words were …"Bugger". Some blame the mishap on fellow runner Teri who was supposed to be running shotgun for Ross. Instead, the (rhymes with pitch) dropped him at the 18 K mark. As per his last requests, Ross was stuffed with wild herbs and spices, basted in a pre- heated oven for 45 minutes and served on baguettes with gorgonzola, carmelized onions, and fig jam.

Despite this unfortunate note, the day was great for everyone else. With nice, cool weather for racing, 26 Bastion runners crossed the finish line with impressive times. Dave Matte, Shalene Carlson, Caroline Bernard, and Julie Benson crushed all competition. Eight more runners placed in the top ten, led by Stefen and John against a tough field. Dominique cruised under his projected time. Our brethren in ROC were represented also with four runners. Ken and Kari skipped along the whole way through.

The food was great too. You could have chicken soup, chili, or minestrone, doughnuts, cookies, yoghurt, coffee and hot chocolate. There were even raw vegetables but we just pushed them aside.

Next Race Sooke River 10 K.

Full results can be located on