Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Notes from Dan the Trail Guy #13

Trail Bits
New 7:00 AM Start time

1. I have attached some photos of Hornby Island that Dale took while we were there (I will post them on the frontrunners gallary). The day was amazing, we started out with a brilliant sunrise and followed it up with an amazing run along the bluffs, cliffs and beaches of Hornby. We ran by eagles (at least 50), sea lions( too many to count), seals and cormorants. The herring run was in full force right along side the trail and the whole food chain was in operation. Even us, we had a great breakfast at Jan’s café. We left on our mini vacation from Chapters at 6:30 am and were back having a coffee at Chapters at 1:45pm.

2. This week’s run – For those of you not going to Victoria to race, there will be a trail run starting at from Westwood Lake at 7:00 am. 1:30 in length. A nice easy run of Morrell and the lake trail or the saddle. Your call.

3. Runners of Compassion - The website has now been updated, please check it out at new social events, news letter, etc.
The on line registration is now up and running for the Nanaimo Daily News Harbour City Half Marathon and 10K Road Race. Register early and save money.

4. The Tuesday afternoon trail run, 4:00pm, Westwood Lake. One Hour Maximum, A steady, easier pace run, with few stops.

5. Saturday Morning Biking The start time is now 7:15 AM…..The ride will be 1 to 1 1/2 hours and will probably follow the Parkway and E&N trails. The bike group will meet back for coffee at Starbucks with the rest of the group.

6. The Stewart Mountain 15k & 8k GutBuster is Saturday, March 12th 10:00 am. People will be leaving from Tim Horton’s, Southgate Centre at 7:45 am if you are interested in car pooling. This will get you to Thetis Lake by 9:00 am? Due to my wife being away and my needing to fill my role as dad I will not be able to attend with you….sorry. Good luck to al of you in Victoria.

7. Cedar 12k Volunteer Appreciation: Bastion Running Club is holding a volunteer appreciation party for any of you that volunteered at the Cedar race. The function is 8:00pm, March 18th at where, else but the Howard Johnson. Email Steve Gagliano if you are attending.

If you doubt you can accomplish something, then you can’t accomplish it.
You have to have confidence in your ability, and then be tough enough to follow through…
Rosalyn Carter