Wednesday, September 14, 2005

High School Cross Country Race Volunteers Sept 23/05

We have a request from Mike Gill for volunteers at an upcoming race. If you are interested please read on and if you are interested get in touch with Mike Gill. He has provided his email address

Thank you
Judy Orosz
High School Cross Country Race scheduled for Friday, Sept 23, 2005 at Pioneer Park, behind the Canadian Tire in Nanaimo...

We are looking for 4-6 volunteers that would be willing to lend a hand w/marshalling and possibly helping out at the finish area. Bob Saunders from Dover Bay High School is the acting race director...

We would ask that any person that is able to assist simply show up at 12 noon. There will be 4 races w/the first race starting at 1pm. I expect everything should be wrapped up by 4pm...

If you could pass this information along to the Bastion membership it would be appreciated. Please simply have any one that is willing to help send me a quick email at so that we can have an expectation as to the number of volunteers.

Thanks you for all your help...

Michael Gill