Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Notes from Dan the Trail Guy #15

Trail Bits
Happy Easter

It was nice to see the new faces out for the run at Humility Abyss last weekend. The timing of having the two groups starting out in different spots and meeting up on Harewood Mines Road worked out great and we all got in the required times. Thanks to those of you that took turns sweeping at the back of the pack. It is appreciated.

1. This week’s run – will be a run of the Lantzville Foothills. 7:00 AM……..This run is about an Hour and 15 minutes in length. Meet at the yellow gate on Harwood Road in Lantzville. This is located at the end of Ware Road. If you need clearer directions email me and I will send them to you. For those of us needing to run 2hr & 15 min, you can always join me and do another hour later in the day at Westwood…email me.

2. Is Two Hours too much? Now that a lot of us are well into marathon training mode the runs will occasionally get longer. If the thought of running off road for an hour and a half or more is too much for you, but you are still wanting to get out and run trails (other than the Westwood loop) drop me a note and I will see if I can hook up a bunch of you together to run. Let me know if you are able to lead this group.

3. ABS Class –The April 14th morning class is now full. Sean is also offering an evening session on Thursday nights. Email Sean if you are interested at seanlunny@shaw.ca

Denise Miller an ROC member is also offering an abs work out through Nanaimo Parks and Recreation. “This will challenge and condition muscles below the belt. You will ABsolutely love the 1/2 hour dedicated to abs and the lower back (core). A beneficial and relaxing stretch will wrap up the class." …says Denise. Tues Apr 5 - May 24 5:15 p.m. - 6:15 p.m. $44/8 sessions contact. Denise at denisemariemiller@hotmail.com

4. Runners of Compassion – Hey, don’t forget that your membership dues are now payable. $10.00 each or $25.00 for a family.

5. Tammy Phye who is also a member of ROC is offering the following workshops if you are interested, contact Tammy at Lifestyle-Harmony@telus.net
a) Intro Talk About Energy and healing - It will be at my studio, 1948 Quadra Ave, the evening is by donation and will be experiential. You will have the opportunity to feel energy, how we can use it in our daily living to make life a little easier. Learn how everyone has the ability to be a healer.
b) Prana Yoga & Meditation -This will be a great class, especially if you ever thought about trying either yoga or mediation and haven't. You will learn to relax, and enjoy, working with your comfort level. We will be learning techniques for creating flow in our body and our life. You will begin to feel more relaxed yet alert. A variety of mediation styles will be taught so that you will find the ones that work best for you. If you have been a fence sitter come one and try it, you may enjoy it! I encourage all adult ages, shapes and sizes to come have some fun and learn something new. For more information contact me 754-3930.
c) Pranic Healing Workshop Learn more about working with energy and how we can incorporate it into daily living. How we can stop the energy drains, how we can re-energize ourselves. Learn about chakras and how they interconnect with the physical body and our life and how to balance them. Learn to do emergency healings for things like cuts, headaches, muscle pain, indigestion, and insomnia. Learn breathing and mediation techniques, plus much more. For more information contact me 754-3930.

Notice of Road Trip – Running the Cowichan River Trail. We would drop some vehicles in Duncan at Dave’s shop and then drive up to Skutz Falls and run back to Dave’s shop along the river trail. The section we will run will take us just over two hours. Please notice that we are heading down stream, not up stream, that is for things that spawn. The Cowichan River Trail follows the river the whole way, it is a beautiful run with amazing river views if you have never done it……
All things are difficult before they are easy
English proverb