Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Dave Smart Foundation Web Site Launch

With much anticipation I’d like to announce that The Smart Foundation has just launched their website:

At this time I would like to take an opportunity to thank some folks for their amazing contributions to the website and in assisting with building the foundation:
Rauvy and Karen Dalep, Geoff and Gillian Parkin, Guy G, Alison and Jason, Rumon, Robyn T, John O, JP, Lance.

A big thank you also goes out to Rob and all the staff at Frontrunners. You are an amazing group of individuals!!

I also want to thank everyone at Coast Capital Savings, The News Group, The Jim Pattison Group and all my friends and family for your incredible support.

Last but not least my buddy and friend Paul who has been with me through thick and thin.
I honestly can’t thank you enough for all your friendship, support and your assistance with making my vision a reality.

I am so fortunate to be surrounded by such an amazing group of people.